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The 7 stages of breaking the cycle of family abuse

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Awareness and Acknowledgment: The first step involves becoming aware that the abuse is happening and is not a normal or healthy part of family life.

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Understanding and Education: After acknowledging the abuse, the next step often involves seeking information and understanding about the nature of abuse

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Seeking Support: Breaking the cycle of abuse is challenging to do alone. This stage involves reaching out for help, which may include confiding in trusted friends or family members

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Emotional Processing: Healing from abuse requires processing the complex emotions associated with it. This can include feelings of anger, sadness, betrayal, shame, and grief.

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Setting Boundaries: An essential part of breaking the cycle is learning to set healthy boundaries with family members who are abusive or enabling abuse.

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Healing and Personal Growth: As the individual works through the emotions and challenges associated with the abuse, there's often a stage of personal growth and healing.

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Creating a New Legacy: The final stage involves making a conscious decision to create a different, healthier family dynamic for oneself and future generations.

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