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The 7 questions you should ask before divorcing your partner

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Have I Communicated My Concerns Clearly? Reflect on whether you have effectively communicated your issues and unhappiness to your partner.

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Is There Unresolved Conflict? Consider if there are specific conflicts or issues that have not been addressed or resolved.

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Have We Tried Counseling or Therapy? Think about whether professional help could assist in resolving your issues.

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Am I Prepared for the Changes Divorce Will Bring? Contemplate the practical and emotional changes that divorce will entail.

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What Are the Impacts on Children and Family? If you have children, consider how the divorce will affect them.

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Am I Acting on Emotion or Rational Thought? Assess whether your desire for a divorce is a response to recent events or emotions

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What Does My Ideal Future Look Like? Visualize your future post-divorce. Consider whether ending the marriage aligns with your personal goals and your vision for a fulfilling life.

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