Brush Stroke

The 10 Biggest Rip-Offs in America

Brush Stroke

Extended Warranties: Often costly and unnecessary, as many products either don't break down during the extended warranty period or the cost of repair is lower than the warranty's price.

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Designer Fashion Items: Brand-name clothes, shoes, and accessories often come with a high markup simply for the brand, even though similar quality items can be found at much lower prices.

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Bottled Water: In places where tap water is safe to drink, bottled water can be a significant and unnecessary expense

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Movie Theater Popcorn and Concessions: The markup on snacks and drinks at movie theaters is notoriously high, often several times the cost of making them.

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Cable TV Packages: With the rise of streaming services, traditional cable packages, which often include channels you may never watch, can seem like a poor value.

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College Textbooks: The cost of new college textbooks can be exorbitantly high, and many students find that they use them sparingly or not at all.

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In-Game Purchases and Microtransactions: Video games that require or strongly encourage in-game purchases can end up costing far more than the initial price of the game.

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Greeting Cards: The cost of some premium greeting cards can be surprisingly high, especially for something that's often a one-time use.

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Airport Food and Accessories: Items at airport shops and restaurants tend to have a high markup, taking advantage of travelers who have limited options.

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Gym Memberships with Long Contracts: Gyms often lock customers into long-term contracts that are difficult and expensive to break, even if you stop using the gym.

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