Brush Stroke

Major Study Identifies 10 Factors Linked to Early Dementia Risk

Brush Stroke

Genetics: A family history of dementia or certain genetic mutations can elevate the risk.

Brush Stroke

Age: Advancing age remains a primary risk factor for dementia.

Brush Stroke

Gender: Some studies suggest that women may be at a slightly higher risk.

Brush Stroke

Education: Lower levels of education can increase the risk of dementia.

Brush Stroke

Smoking: Tobacco use has been linked to cognitive decline.

Brush Stroke

Cardiovascular health: Conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease are associated with a greater risk.

Brush Stroke

Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes can contribute to cognitive impairment.

Brush Stroke

Obesity: Excess body weight may increase the likelihood of dementia.

Brush Stroke

Physical inactivity: A sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for cognitive decline.

Brush Stroke

Genetics: A family history of dementia or certain genetic mutations can elevate the risk.

Brush Stroke

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