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I’m a Financial Planner: Here Are 8 Money Traps That Even Frugal People Fall For

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Buying Items Just Because They're On Sale: Frugal people often get tempted by sales, leading them to purchase items they don't need.

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Overlooking Subscription Services: Small monthly subscriptions can add up quickly. Frugal individuals might sign up for services because of a low monthly cost but fail to evaluate their cumulative annual impact.

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Not Shopping Around for Insurance: Sticking with the same insurance provider out of convenience can sometimes mean overpaying.

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Falling for the Minimum Payment Trap on Credit Cards: Making only the minimum payment on credit cards can lead to prolonged debt and significant interest charges

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Neglecting to Track Small Expenses: Small, everyday purchases like coffee or lunch can add up over time.

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Investing in High-Fee Funds: Even savvy savers can fall into the trap of investing in funds with high fees, which can eat into long-term investment returns.

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Underestimating the Impact of Inflation: Keeping too much money in low-interest or no-interest accounts can result in a loss of purchasing power over time due to inflation

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Penny Wise, Pound Foolish: Sometimes, frugal individuals might go for the cheapest option available, not considering the long-term cost.

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