8 Natural Superfood Powders To Eat Today

Maca is a root that is also known as Peruvian Ginseng. It has an earthy and nutty flavor.

1. Maca Powder

Health food sensation turmeric is another wonderful root. Many research have shown its health benefits due to curcumin.

2. Turmeric Powder

Grinding pressed hemp yields hemp powder. It has many health benefits without CBD or THC

3. Hemp Powder

Matcha is concentrated green tea powder. Matcha enhances green tea's advantages.

4. Matcha Powder 

Blending freeze-dried acai berries creates powder. It's delicious and healthy, this Brazilian fruit!

5. Acai Powder

 Crushing cocoa beans and extracting the fatty cocoa butter yields powder. The last powder is rich and chocolaty, full of nutrients.

6. Cocoa Powder

Baobab powder is manufactured by crushing African and Australian baobab fruit. Uniquely shaped, the trees grow to 100ft (30 meters)

7. Baobab Powder

If you think seeds are for birds, try grinding flaxseed! The digestive system can't break through the hard shells of entire seeds, thus powder is healthier.

8. Flaxseed Powder