Brush Stroke

10 Things You Should NEVER Do on a Cruise

Brush Stroke

Ignoring Safety Drills: Always attend and pay attention during the mandatory safety drills at the start of the cruise. Knowing what to do in an emergency is crucial.

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Overindulgence: Whether it's food or alcohol, overindulging can lead to health issues or accidents. Enjoy yourself, but do so in moderation.

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Disregarding Departure Times at Ports: Always return to the ship well before the scheduled departure time. The ship will not wait for late passengers.

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Neglecting Hygiene Protocols: Cruise ships have strict hygiene protocols to prevent outbreaks of illnesses. Always wash your hands regularly and use hand sanitizer.

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Feeding or Approaching Wildlife: If your cruise includes stops in natural habitats, do not feed or try to get too close to wildlife. This can be dangerous and harmful to the animals.

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Ignoring Dress Codes: Respect the dress codes for dining rooms or special events on the ship.

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Disrespecting Crew Members: Always treat the crew with respect. They work hard to ensure your safety and enjoyment.

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Smoking in Non-designated Areas: Only smoke in designated smoking areas. Smoking elsewhere is a fire hazard and is usually against ship rules.

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Leaning Over Railings: Never lean over or sit on railings. It's dangerous and can lead to serious accidents.

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Bringing Prohibited Items: Each cruise line has a list of prohibited items, such as irons, candles, or certain types of clothing. Check these guidelines beforehand and adhere to them.

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