Brush Stroke

10 Survival Facts That Might be Good to Know

Brush Stroke

Rule of Threes: You can generally survive three minutes without air, three hours in extreme conditions without shelter, three days without water, and three weeks without food.

Brush Stroke

Water Purification: Boiling water for at least one minute can make it safe to drink by killing harmful organisms.

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Hypothermia Prevention: Stay dry to prevent hypothermia. Wet conditions accelerate heat loss from the body. Layering clothing

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Signaling for Help: Use the universal distress signal of three—three fires or piles of rocks in a triangle shape, or three blasts on a whistle.

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Navigation Basics: Remember that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. At noon, the sun is generally in the southern part of the sky in the Northern Hemisphere.

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Fire Starting: Carry multiple ways to start a fire, such as a lighter, matches, and a flint striker.

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Edible Plants: Learn about local edible plants, but also the toxic ones to avoid. Always err on the side of caution; if you're not sure, don't eat it.

Brush Stroke

First Aid Basics: Know basic first aid procedures, such as how to treat a wound, splint a broken limb, and perform CPR.

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Staying Calm: Panic can be your worst enemy. Staying calm allows you to think clearly and make better decisions.

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Wildlife Encounters: Learn about wildlife in the area you are in and how to safely interact or avoid them. Generally, it's best to keep a safe distance from wild animals.

Brush Stroke

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