10 Historical Extinct Animals: A Glimpse into the Past

Dodo: Native to Mauritius, the flightless Dodo bird became extinct in the late 17th century due to hunting by humans and introduced animals.

Tasmanian Tiger: Also known as the Thylacine, this marsupial carnivore was native to Tasmania and went extinct in the 20th century.

Sabre-toothed Cat: These large, carnivorous mammals lived during the Pleistocene epoch and had distinctive long, serrated canine teeth.

Woolly Mammoth: These massive, hairy elephants adapted to the cold environments of the Pleistocene epoch.

Great Auk: The flightless great auk inhabited the North Atlantic, particularly around rocky islands. Overhunting for their feathers.

Quagga: A subspecies of the plains zebra, the quagga had a unique coat pattern, with only the front part of its body striped.

Moa: Giant flightless birds native to New Zealand, moa species were hunted to extinction by the Maori people and arrived settlers around the 15th century.

Caribbean Monk Seal: Once found throughout the Caribbean Sea, this seal species was hunted extensively for its blubber.

Megatherium: Also known as the giant ground sloth, Megatherium was a massive herbivorous mammal that lived in South America.

Cave Lion:A subspecies of lion that inhabited Europe and Asia during the Pleistocene epoch.