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10 Facts We Learned in School That Actually Weren’t True

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Tongue Taste Zones: The idea that the tongue has specific zones for each taste (sweet, sour, salty, bitter) is incorrect. All taste buds can sense all these tastes.

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Christopher Columbus Discovered America: Columbus did reach the Americas, but he was not the first European to do so.

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Humans Have Five Senses: It's now understood that humans have more than the traditionally taught five senses

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Brontosaurus Didn't Exist: For a while, it was believed that the Brontosaurus was actually an Apatosaurus and the former didn't exist.

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Albert Einstein Failed Mathematics: Contrary to popular belief, Einstein excelled in mathematics from a young age and never failed a math class.

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Diamonds Form From Coal: While it's true that both diamonds and coal are forms of carbon, most diamonds are formed deep in the Earth’s mantle

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Thomas Edison Invented the Light Bulb: Edison significantly improved the light bulb but did not invent it.

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The Great Wall of China is Visible from Space: This is a common myth. The Great Wall is not visible from low Earth orbit with the naked eye.

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Blood is Blue in the Body: Blood is always red. It appears blue under the skin because of how light penetrates the skin and is reflected back to our eyes.

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Napoleon Bonaparte was Short: Napoleon was actually of average height for his time. The misconception likely comes from the French inch

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