Brush Stroke

10 Basic Necessities People Can’t Afford Anymore

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Housing: With rising real estate prices and rental rates, securing affordable housing has become a significant challenge for many, leading to increased rates of homelessness and housing insecurity.

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Healthcare: The high cost of healthcare services, insurance premiums, and prescription medications can make it difficult for people

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Healthy Food: Economic factors can make it hard for individuals to afford fresh, healthy food options, leading to a reliance on cheaper, less nutritious alternatives.

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Education: The rising costs of education, from primary levels up to higher education, can put a significant strain on families and individuals

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Utilities: Essential services such as electricity, heating, and water can take up a large portion of household budgets, especially in regions with extreme temperatures or high utility rates.

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Transportation: Whether it's the cost of owning and maintaining a vehicle or the expenses associated with public transportation

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Childcare: For families with young children, the high cost of childcare can be prohibitive, impacting the ability of parents to work or pursue education.

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Internet Access: In today's digital age, internet access is essential for education, work, and accessing services, yet the cost can be out of reach for some, leading to a digital divide.

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Clothing: While often considered a basic necessity, the cost of clothing, especially for growing children or for professional attire required by some jobs, can be a significant expense.

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Personal Care Items: Basic hygiene products and other personal care items are essential for health and well-being but can add up to a considerable expense

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